Political Economy of Sectarianism and Coexistence in Lebanon

This course relies on an innovative approach to mainstream political economy and encourage the debate around it, while dealing with sectarianism and co-existence. For this reason, we deal with these two phenomena from a historical perspective as well as their current manifestation. The net result will be to move away from the current vicious cycle which is feeding sectarianism and destroying Lebanon. We will present several examples of virtuous cycles which promote coexistence and illustrate paths to save the country. The elements of this virtuous cycle will be applied in areas such governance, infrastructure development, education, commerce and the media, among many others. These fact sheets were developed and written with an intersectional approach in mind. They are gender mainstreamed and based on actual empirical research carried out by the GCGM studies unit surveying the world we study and work in.

You can download the factsheets and use them in school, in a university setting, off campus and in training program. We would like to hear from you here: gcgmlebanon@gmail.com


Fact Sheet-1 What is the Base-Superstructure Dialectic?

This sheet deals with interaction or dialogue between the productive and commercial sector, on the one hand, and the world of ideas on the other, using concrete examples.

Fact Sheet-2 Intersectionality: Gender and Youth Activism

The intersection between gender and age is our key component, showing how gender equality activists work together to improve their country.

Fact Sheet-3 Political Economy of Sectarianism and Coexistence

It demonstrates how the economy (base) and politics (superstructure) interact and thereby influence both sectarianism and coexistence.

Are coexistence and conflict natural or the result of human agency? Is Lebanon’s seemingly eternal state of crisis the result of its culture and traditions or the economy and infrastructural development? How do industry, commerce, & transportation (base) and culture, politics, & communication (superstructure) interact? L


Fact Sheet-4 Examples of the Base: Energy, Mobility, and Agriculture

Dealing with expressions of sectarianism and coexistence in areas such as the extractive industries, the distribution of fuel, the transportation networks, migration and food sovereignty and security.

Fact Sheet-5 Examples of the Superstructure: Communication, Education, and Art

The media, schools and universities, literature, painting and the performing art are all examples of “activities” of the mind.

Contact Us

Email : gcgmlebanon@gmail.com

Beirut -Lebanon